Tuesday 18th of February 2025 06:30 am CET

Editor Ferdi Stutterheim

Welcome to the Historic Archive of the Rollei List.

The List

The List Founder and Administrator is Marc James Small. The Rollei List is dedicated to the technical history of the evolution of the Rolleiflex camera from its original inception by Franke & Heidecke as a stereo camera in the 1920’s to the medium-format and digital cameras produced today. The list emphasis is on the rapid development of lens and shutter designs spurred by the Rolleiflex cameras over the past nine decades and the impact these cameras had on the evolving technology of digital photography.

The Rollei List is on Freelists. The Info Page can be found at: Rollei List.

A Rollei List FAQ page is available from this site.

The Historic Archive

The Rollei List Historic Archive site is maintained by Ferdi Stutterheim. He can be contacted by clicking on the link in the menu bar. The historic Rollei List Archive from the ‘’ era (May 1996 - December 2004) is hosted on this site. Although some pages have a responsive web design the site is best viewed on a computer screen or tablet. The actual archived messages have an ancient HTML structure that is not aimed at small screens like smartphones.

In 2005 hosting of the List was moved to Freelists. The present Rollei List Archive can be found at the Freelists site.