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Re: [Rollei] Vintage of various Rolleiflex GX Models ?

Hello Phong,

No, the Expression was made from Mid 1995 - end of 1996. I was quoting 
from Mr. Prochnow's book Rollei Report 5 from 1997. Your 80 Years 
Anniversary model is from 2000 and therefore not referenced in the 
book. So, we are not sure about the shutter.

PR.../.. is the reference number Mr. Prochnow assigned to Rollei 
products and models. It is an easy way to name a camera model.

Kind regards,

Op 24-feb-04 om 15:08 heeft Phong het volgende geschreven:

> Ferdi,
> Thanks for the information.  I am showing more of my ignorance
> here: my GX is the 80 Anniversary model; it says so on the plate
> :-).  Does that make it an Expression model, hence with a Copal
> shutter ?
> I know I really am pushing it:  what does the notation PR 752/2
> indicate ?
> Just curious,
> - Phong
> Ferdi Stutterheim wrote:
>> Phong,
>> Mr. Prochnow writes that not all features of the Second Model 2.8 GX
>> were introduced at the same time. There was a transition era.
>> The Second Model started with:
>> PR 752/1	Jubilee Edition 75 years Rollei:
>> -Sychro-Compur still, but all other features of Second Model.
>> PR 752/2	Expression Series:
>> -Copal
>> PR 752/3	Club Rollei Jersey Series
>> -Seiko
>> PR 752/4	Royal Series
>> -Seiko
