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Re: [Rollei] Vintage of various Rolleiflex GX Models ?
- Subject: Re: [Rollei] Vintage of various Rolleiflex GX Models ?
- From: Ferdi Stutterheim <ferdi
- Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 11:51:39 +0100
- References: <20040224052933.80142.qmail >
Another difference between models 1 and 2 is the strap. Model 1 has
hinges near the back of the camera. The camera is a bit unbalanced that
way. Not a big issue. I am using this model for many years. The strap
is the one of the SL 66. The "hooks" are not very comfortable to use.
Model 2 has the hinges in the traditional position in the middle. It
has the SLX/6000 strap. Only with the 2.8 FX Rollei returned to the
traditional and superior "crocodile" straps.
A cosmetic difference is the battery cover on the focusing knob. Neatly
concealed with the appearance model 2. Clearly visible on model 1.
Ferdi Stutterheim,
Drachten, The Netherlands.
Op 24-feb-04 om 6:29 heeft M.M. het volgende geschreven:
> Hi,,
> I'm considering purchasing a Rolleiflex 2.8 GX camera,
> I have found a Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Expression that I'm
> very close to getting. My question, does anyone know
> the vintage of this model, the GX Expression, and are
> there any practical differences between the Expression
> and the other GX models.
> Thanks... I have also read that the shutter is stiff
> on all of the GX cameras compared to older Rolleiflex
> cameras, will this stiffness loosen up over time ????
> Thanks
> Mark
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