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[Rollei] Subscription and Unsubscription Instructions

SAVE THIS MESSAGE!  From time to time, our beloved computer unsubscribes
us, so, should you not receive any messages for a day or three, perhaps you
might just trying resubscribing.

To unsubscribe from the list, send a mail message to:

  majordomo  us

the body (not the subject) should contain the line

  unsubscribe rollei

if you have been receiving individual messages, or

  unsubscribe rollei-digest

if you have been receiving the digest, which includes many messages
together in one large message.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
To subscribe to one of the lists, send a mail message to:

  majordomo  us

the body (not the subject) should contain the line

  subscribe rollei

if you wish to receive individual messages, or

  subscribe rollei-digest

if you wish to receive the digest, which includes many messages
together in one large message.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------


FIRST:  Please be careful not to send your subscription and unsubscription
requests to rollei  his address is for
mail to the readership of the list.  Sending your request to it will
cause your message to go to everyone on the list, but not to the
program that controls the list.

SECOND:  That hyphen in "rollei-digest" is vital!  If you don't use the
hyphen, the message will be garbled and the computer won't be able to
comply with your request.

Marc Small
Rollei List Administrator

msmall    FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bas fir gun ghras fir!
