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RE: [Rollei] OT A drop in speed of Delta 3200


To you shoot the Neopan at the rated speed?

Peter K

- -----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Wajsman (private) [mailto:nathanw  
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 10:16 AM
To: rollei  us
Subject: Re: [Rollei] OT A drop in speed of Delta 3200


I find Neopan 1600 the best of the high speed films. I rate it at 1600, 
develop in XTOL 1+3, and get far better results than with Delta 3200 
rated at 1600. I have not used Kodak's version for many years, but my 
memories of it are not fond.


tripspud wrote:
> Hi John,
>        Aren't the effective speeds of Neopan 1600, T-Max P3200
> and Delta 1600 rather similar in terms of speed?  I'm asking because
> I'd like to know which gives the most effective speed, as you mention,
> in terms of negative shadow detail, given the same developer.
>       Is there a web site that would compare these three current
> emulsions?

- -- 
Nathan Wajsman
Herrliberg (ZH), Switzerland

e-mail: nathanw@bluewin.ch
mobile: +41 78 732 1430

Photo-A-Week: http://www.wajsman.com/indexpaw2003.htm
General photo site: http://www.wajsman.com/index.htm
