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Re: [Rollei] Gotta love EBAY

Yup, that's about it. I've bought much of my Rollei
kit on eBay as well, and I've got absolutely no
complaints. The only thing is that it provides an
extra level of temptation - in fact just today I've
bought another TLR that I really don't need, in this
case my first non-Rollei - a Welta Reflekta II. For
about the price of a Rollei filter! But no complaints,
as I said. I've had some great bargains on wonderful
bits and piees, and at the same time the seller has
got more on each occasion than a dealer would give.


- --- TrueBadger   wrote:
> In a message dated 5/29/2003 2:59:47 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, jayk   writes:
> > At 03:38 PM 5/29/2003 -0400, TrueBadger  
> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > But I walked into a local shop, and there it was,
> about as mint as it could be, sitting in the display
> case.  I was resolute at first, and walked away, but
> when it was STILL there, two weeks later, it was
> simply too much.. I bought it.
> > 
> > 
> > Why does Rollei/Leica have this effect on us (and
> I assume 
> > its true with others on the list) ;-)  ... ??
> Freud said something to the effect that the only
> true happiness is a childhood wish fulfilled.  I
> think this may be perceptive, because almost all the
> (20 or so) cameras I own are from the era when I was
> in High School and could only dream about such
> costly items.
> Also, for me, there is something almost magical
> about an item that is from that era of craftsmanship
> that is still pristine and looks like it was taken
> out of a time capsule.  I buy these items to use,
> not to put in display cases, but I use them
> carefully and try to keep them in the same condition
> I got them.  
> I won't pretend it's all rational, but I'm pretty
> sure I'm not alone in my addiction, and compared to
> some addictions, it's rather harmless and perhaps
> even socially acceptable, and if you simply look at
> it as therapy, it's cheaper than a shrink.
> G. King

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