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Re: [Rollei] re:OT 1911


Just remember an injured attacker can sue your ass.  And will!

But a dead one.......?


Don Williams wrote:

> At 09:27 PM 5/28/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>> Frank,
>> Apologies because this is very off track.
>> Frank, nothing has changed.
>> Following the atrocious act of the Dunblane school massacre a few
>> years ago
>> (which no one condones) ALL licensed handguns were banned and had to
>> be
>> handed in. Compensation for the cost of the handguns was promised
>> but still
>> has not been paid to many individuals, so a keen club pistol shooter
>> who
>> "handed over and lost" two pistols tells me.
>> The US constitution with the right to bear arms would be welcomed by
>> some of
>> us in the UK.
> The U.S. Constitution is pretty much silent on the right of
> individuals to bear arms.  More specifically, the second amendment
> reads as follows:
> Amendment II
> "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free
> state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be
> infringed."
> It's clear that if a person is a member of "A well regulated militia",
> he can bear arms as a member.  Beyond that, the individual's right to
> bear arms has only been established on the basis of common law at that
> time, and general usage since that amendment was passed.
> Here is a quote from the Congressional Record dealing with a gun
> control bill, and you will see that it points towards tradition more
> than the Bill of Rights:
> 'The right to bear arms is a tradition with deep roots in American
> society. Thomas Jefferson proposed that "no free man shall ever be
> debarred the use of arms," and Samuel Adams called for an amendment
> banning any law "to prevent the people of the United States who are
> peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." The Constitution of
> the State of Arizona, for example, recognizes the "right of an
> individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the State." '
> Note that I underlined "tradition" in that quote.  It isn't underlined
> in the Gun Control Committee report from which it is extracted.
>> An Englishman's home is no longer his castle. An elderly
>> farmer who shot and killed one of two burglars coming up the stairs
>> to get
>> to him is being refused early release from a 7 year jail sentence
>> because he
>> does not show sufficient remorse and might offend again! The
>> burglars had
>> travelled 60 miles to break into his remote farm, which had been
>> broken into
>> a number of times before.
> That general situation holds in the U.S. as well.  There are many
> cases in which a home-owner was prosecuted for killing a burglar.
> Burglars have sued and won civil cases in which they were shot while
> in the process of committing a robbery.  It's unfortunate but the
> home-owner has the burden of proving he felt he was in mortal danger.
> As for me, I keep buckshot cartridges in my rifles, which will
> discourage anyone I shoot, but most likely not kill them.
>> Strict gun control over here controls the law abiding and prevents
>> them
>> defending themselves. The criminals have no trouble getting all the
>> guns
>> they want.
>> Sorry, I have got it off my chest now.
> I think the original writer was Claude-
> Don Williams
> La Jolla, CA
