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Re: [Rollei] Re: OT spam

I don't know if the RUG is being trolled but I noticed that my spam
count rose considerably when I posted some messages to a couple of news
- -- 

Jim - http://www.hemenway.com

todd wrote:
> I too have been getting Spam over the last few weeks.
> I never had Spam before - just the occasional bit once
> a month - but that was it.
> Now I am starting to become inundated.
> I had thought it was just a matter of time before I would be
> subjected to Spam, and with the amount I have begun to get,
> I thought my time had some. But now that others on the list
> have also started to get Spam at about the same time I started,
> I am beginning to think it might be due to the RUG being trolled.
> Ah well. Such is life .... and the internet.
> todd
