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RE: [Rollei] OT A drop in speed of Delta 3200

Did you process it at home?

maybe developer has gone off?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-rollei  us
> [mailto:owner-rollei  On Behalf Of Richard Urmonas
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 May 2003 0725
> To: Rollei List
> Subject: [Rollei] OT A drop in speed of Delta 3200
> The last few rolls of Delta 3200 I have used seem to have low speed.
> Some quick tests indicate a speed of around 300 ASA.  Has anyone
> noticed this as well, or is it just a bad batch of film at my local
> store ?
> Thank you,
> Richard
> ---
> Richard Urmonas
> rurmonas  .au
