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Re: [Rollei] What did you do in the war? (long)

 OK Mr. Small, I wanted say Air Defense. The British
organized the first Integrated Air Defense System in
the world based on radar. This System allowed the
British pilots wait the Luftwaffe's attack flying in
the suitable location. Goering knew radar's
importance, and he attacked the radar towers at
battle's beginning, but afterward Hitler ordered
attack the cities and the RAF surveyed inflicting to 
Luftwaffe casualties too much, then the German
Oberkommand decided stop the attacks, thinking in
All the best
 --- Marc James Small <msmall  >
escribió: > At 06:48 PM 5/19/03 -0300, Carlos Manuel
> wrote:
> >Excuse me please, Mr. Small, the radar is pre-WWII.
> >England organized the DCA against the Luftwaffe on
> >1940/41 thanks the radar invented before the war.
> >Goering lost England's battle when he didn't attack
> >the radar towers and attacked the cities.-
> Amd thank you, Carlos.  I am not certain just what
> you mean by "DCA", but
> the British DID organize various radar chains by
> 1938.  Still, the vast
> improvement in radar, turning it from a theory into
> practice, occurred
> during the War, especially with the development of
> centimetric radar by the
> British in 1941. 
> References available on request, as they say!
> Marc
> msmall    FAX:  +276/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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