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RE: [Rollei] Mutar 0.7x

Maybe I am reading this wrong,but why ONLY 5x5 prints?  Cropping it will worked equially well?
What am I misunderstanding Jerry?

Peter K

- -----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Lehrer [mailto:jerryleh  ]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 4:29 PM
To: rollei  us
Subject: Re: [Rollei] Mutar 0.7x


Mutars are great!  If you only make 5x5 inch prints, they have
no equal and are certainly cheaper than a Tele or Wide Rollei.
They work equally well (adequate) on any and all Rollei lenses.
No preference is shown for Tessar, Xenar, Planar or Xenotar.
You have to get the proper adapter rings.


Nick Roberts wrote:

> Does anyone have an opinion about the 0.7x Mutar on
> either the f3.5 Planar or Xenotar? To me the greatest
> limitation of the Rollei TLRs is the fact that a
> standard lens isn't wide enough for much of my
> photography, and as I can't afford a Wide, my
> requirement is currently covered off ffairly
> adequately but with excessive bulk my either my Mamiya
> M645 or Pentacon 6. But I got to thinking that it
> might be much easier and more pleasant to just carry a
> Mutar - anbody used one? Happily? As a Zeiss
> accessory, how well does it work with the Xenotar? (I
> hesitate to ask if there's any difference between 5
> and 6 element lenses.....)
> It could be just the thing.
> Nick
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