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Re: [Rollei] Re: Rollei panorama head

I have assembled the prints ( on photographic paper
Fuji Chrystal Archive) of my panoramic photo on a
cardboard. I determined the point with a loupe and my
daughter cut and pasted each frame. She has special
skill for this work. The result is excellent, size is
80 cm x 20 cm because the frames are 20x20 cm. The
image as a whole  is coherent and harmonious, the
union lines are hardly visible. I repeat, the Rollei
panoramic head is a great accesory.
I have received emails asking on this panoram
photograph from several countries in the world. I
answered the better I could. Thanks everybody and
thanks for look the photograph.
I also received the magazine ?Arquivista?, edited by
the Arquitecture College of Posadas city, they
selected and publish  my photograph ?Posadas city,
promenade on Parana river?  as cover of the magazine
for the first edition. You can see the photograph in
the Rollei Gallery.
These are little satisfactions for an amateur
photographer. The Rolleiflex 2.8C and the Xenotar 2.8
are valid instruments after fifty years. Amazing.
All the best

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