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Re: [Rollei] 'Must Haves' for any TLR user?

In a message dated 5/7/2003 2:24:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, peterk   writes:

> Peter K's Must Haves for a TLR:
>    1) Film (everyone left this off heir list?) 
>    2) Rolleipol
>    3) Lenscap
> Everything else is an extra.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kevin [mailto:logik  ]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 12:54 AM
> To: rollei  us
> Subject: [Rollei] 'Must Haves' for any TLR user?
> I was just thinking how nice it might be to have a pistol grip, and/or a
> prism on my 3.5f, and I came to realize i have no accessories for my
> Rollei.  What are some things that you RUG'ers use and 
> love? 
> `kev.

FILM?  You mean you can get film for these things?  Cool!!!

G. King
