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[Rollei] Adapter/hood for Rollei (was: 'Must Haves' for any TLR user?)


Did you call them, or did you order on-line? I need a hood and an adapter 
for my 3.5, but I could not find any reference to Rollei-related products on 
their site. Does it have to be custom-ordered? 

Thanks in advance,

Bob McClelland writes: 

> Adapter to go from Bay II to 46mm, so that I can use a polarising filter
> (amongst others!) easily.  Got one only recently, from SRB
> (www.srbfilm.co.uk)  - a snip at £13.95! 
> regards,
> Bob
> Cornwall (U.K.) 
> Urban Images: www.marscovista.com
> Kernow Images: www.kernowimages.co.uk
> Surfaces: www.withoutgrass.com 
