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Re: [Rollei] More OT Jobo advice
- Subject: Re: [Rollei] More OT Jobo advice
- From: TrueBadger
- Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 19:43:18 -0400
- References:
In a message dated 5/6/2003 6:09:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, pkkollas writes:
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 11:20 AM, TrueBadger wrote:
> > Someone mentioned the idea that the CPE was advantageous becaus it
> > held LESS water. It seems to me that from a thermal stability point
> > of view this is wrong, and that the larger thermal inertia represented
> > by the 4.5 gallon fill in the CPP2 makes it easier to maintain a fixed
> > temperature.
> I said that, thinking of conservation of resources (CPE advantage).
> You are correct in your analysis of the thermal inertia. I rarely do
> more than 2 batches of film at a time, (1 batch being in the 90
> Percentile marker) and (choke, chuckle, smiley smiley) don't need no
> steenking 4.5 gallon thermal mass for a 3min 15sec sensitivity to temp
> variation :-) :-) Hi! Hi! and whatever else it takes for me to
> indicate i'm not being contemptuous or caustic. :-)
> As to >ease< of maintaining a fixed temperature, isn't this soley
> dependent upon the temperature sensing transducer, and the associated
> re-heating and distribution of the renewed heat? If it weren't for the
> water circulation feature of the CPP, maybe it would be >harder< to
> maintain a fixed temp, because of the greater caloric demand, coupled
> with the much more expansive water surface, with attendant evaporation
> and radiation? OK, i'm scratching flour in a grain
> elevator. Back to
> the pens and Brit cars. :-)
> pk
Actually some of your points are valid, and certainly so in the context of the usage you make of the unit. I too process mostly one roll at a time, but I leave the jobo filled, only draining it every ten days or so to keep the primitive life forms from thriving in there.
I sure don't want to argue with anyone who's environmental concsience determines his path in life, but I honestly suspect that the impact of the few thousand old farts who still practice a bit of darkroom on what is probably mostly a two-roll a week basis will hasten the end of life as we know it on our planet by more than fifteen seconds.
I too can take my rhetorical liberties.
G. King