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Re: Consistency was Re: [Rollei] More OT Jobo advice
- Subject: Re: Consistency was Re: [Rollei] More OT Jobo advice
- From: Jeffery Smith <jls >
- Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 06:58:03 -0500
- References: < >
Thanks very much, Daniel. I do have a couple of "tall" tanks. I'll give it
a try.
At 08:49 AM 5/6/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>I'll reply to you and John Hicks at the same time. It'll become clear in a
>Months ago I suddenly started getting problems with consistency (uneven
>development) with 120 film. It was so bad that I simply rejected a whole
>handful of shots that would have been keepers otherwise, good one too.
>I searched the net and found John's advice on another list. I think the
>archive went back a couple of years. Anyway:
>Use tanks to hold twice as much film as you're going to process.
>Put film on reels in the bottom half of the tank, and fill it out with
>empty reels.
>Use enough developer to cover the reels with film, no more.
>Agitate 5 seconds every 30 seconds by inverting the tank a couple of times.
>That will let the developer drain off the film and then it will be covered
>by fresh developer when you finish your inversions.
>You might have to change your times, I don't (to adjust for contrast). If
>you are using Xtol, at least, they expect you to be using vigorous
>agitation. This is it.
>No "spoke marks", no uneven development, just consistently good negatives
>roll after roll, 35mm and 120. I develop all my film this way: Agfa APX
>100, Fuji Neopan 400 and 1600 and Tri-X (the new one).
>You might want to give this method a try. It works best, for me, with
>stainless steel tanks ... but that's what I've always used anyway, maybe
>I'm partial.
>Try it! It might save you some money. This is one of the benefits that
>JOBO gives you, I think, ... a good supply of fresh developer on the film
>all the time.
>I'll take this opportunity to thank John. The answer to this problem is
>old and was on another list, but it cured my problem. Thanks.
>At 22:56 05.05.2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>At 06:15 PM 5/5/03 -0500, you wrote:
>> >I need greater consistency in my B&W film developing.
>> I recommend the CPP-2 or CPA-2 w/lift. The reason for this rather than
>>the smaller machines is that often I found that the smaller CPE-2 seriously
>>limited how much film I could develop at once because it could handle only
>>500ml volume in the tank.
>> Also, I very strongly recommend the use of #2500 tanks and reels for
>>120/220 film; the #1500 reels often cause excess or uneven edge density
>>with 120 film.
>> jbh