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RE: [Rollei] Obsolete skills (was Why the 6-element lens for 3.5Fs)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-rollei  us
> [mailto:owner-rollei   Bakker
> Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 2:03 AM
> To: rollei  us
> Subject: Re: [Rollei] Obsolete skills (was Why the 6-element lens for
> 3.5Fs)
> ll.clark   wrote:
> > >I was using a slide rule in the 6th grade.  I'm sure Jerry, since he
> > >also went to Bronx Science, mastered slide rules.
> >
> > Are there more than three of us on this list?
> I had to learn to use those things in school too, yes.

We were not allowed to use slide rules: not accurate enough according to our
teachers. Had to use logarithm tables. Boy, was I glad electronic
calculators arrived. They were too late for my finals ....

