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Re: [Rollei] New AF lenses for 6008 AF, the FX available in Europe
He did have a :-) I believe it was a joke.
Q.G. de Bakker wrote:
>bdcolen wrote:
>>I'm sorry, but you must have confused this for a Rolleiflex list; it's a
>>mistake not a few of us have made. It turns out this is the 6-element
>>Tessar Debating and Belly Button Lint Collecting Society List. :-)
>I don't understand what's bothering you.
>This lens business is directly related to the differences between versions
>of Rollei cameras. And it is part of Rollei history.
>So why do you object to discussing these topics on the Rollei list? Is it
>that you would rather discuss fountain pens some more?