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Re: [Rollei] Why the 6-element lens for 3.5Fs

- --- Marc James Small <msmall  > wrote:
> The story about the reversed elements involves the
> 2.8/8cm CZJ Tessar T
> used on the early 2.8A Rolleiflex camera.  I have
> never heard this tale of
> the Planar and would doubt it.
> The Xenotar was modified between the 3.5F, Type II,
> and Type III.
> Marc
Thanks, Marc - that makes a lot more sense. The first
time I heard it was quite a few years back (15?) - an
aquaintance of mine had bought a 3.5F that looked
lovely, but produced pretty poor results. At the time
I had even less Rollei knowledge than I do now, but to
me the focus was out - which I'm sure with hindsight
was the problem. I have once or twice seen refereces
to this issue in connection with Planars on websites
that have been, shall we say politely, less than
perfectly informed on other issues.
Thanks for the Xenotar info as well - rather to my
surprise, that means my favourite is also a 6 element
lens, the other a 5. Quite a day for discoveries for


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