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Re: [Rollei] Why the 6-element lens for 3.5Fs


Yes, I have and use a f2.8 Opton Tessar in my Super
Ikonta B.  Wonderful camera and lens.  A true keeper.


Nick Roberts wrote:

> As an aside, has anybody ever tried the 2.8 Opton
> Tessar?
> As another aside, I was convinced my Planar-ed (and
> unmetered) 3.5F was a 5 element lens - I had always
> assumed that because it wasn't a 12/24 model it would
> be too old (yes, I know about assumptions!) and only
> checked the serial numbers of cameras and lens this
> morning (and the lens coating colour). The interesting
> point is that this 6 element lens does not outperform
> my (I assume!) 5 element Xenotars - there's a touch
> more contrast, and a different colour balance, but
> neither newspaper nor brick wall tests can separate
> resolving power, even at the edges. Whilst this is in
> no way a scientific test, it does make me wonder if
> there really is a performance hike with the 6 element
> lens, or if indeed it was to simplify production.
> As a final aside, when was the Xenotar modified?
> Nick
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