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Re: [Rollei] Search for highest 5 element Planar lens serial number
Also please restrict the survey to f3.5 lenses only. There have been
no questions about the genealogy of the f2.8 Planars and Xenotars.
"Q.G. de Bakker" wrote:
> > Sounds like it's time for another RUG "poll".
> >
> > Please, everybody having a Rolleiflex with Planar lens: look up the serial
> > number and report it (and model/type of camera it is on) if it is around
> > 2,27x,xxx, but below 2,753,002.
> Rereading this, i noticed how the question was not stated clearly. I must
> apologize. Sorry!
> The serial numbers mentioned are those of the lens.
> So please read:
> Please, everybody having a Rolleiflex with Planar lens: look up the serial
> number of that lens and report it (and model/type of camera it is on) if it
> is around 2,27x,xxx, but below 2,753,002.
> Thanks.