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[Rollei] 2.8GX Shutter Figures

At 10:37 AM 6/3/02 -0400, you wrote:
>No they are not.  The GX uses Japanese shutters.  I believe they used Copal
>for a while and then switched to Seiko, but I may have that reversed.


You are simply wrong on this.  Drive up here and I'll show you the Compur
shutter on my GX.  

Preproduction GX's had Prontor shutters -- witness the ones tested by the
camera magazines around 1986.

PR751/1	Synchro-Compur 	8/87 - 3/94	10.200 produced
PR751/2	Synchro-Compur	1989		  1,500 produced
PR751/3	Synchro-Compur	1994		     500 produced
PR751/4	Synchro-Compur	3/94 - 1/95	     500 produced
PR751/5	Synchro-Compur	3/94 - 12/94	       33 produced
PR752/1	Synchro-Compur	1/95 - 12/95	      900 produced

	total with Synchro-Compur shutters					13,633

PR751/6	Seiko			9/95		     130 produced
PR752/3	Seiko			1996		     100 produced
PR752/4	Seiko			1996 - 2000	  1,000 produced
	total with Seiko shutters						  1,230

PR752/2	Copal			6/95 - 12/96	  1,000 produced

	total with Copal shutters						 1,000

Thus, as of 2000, the numerical winner was the Synchro-Compur.  I do not
have production figures since 2000, but I suspect that this would add about
400 more to the Seiko total, as production seems to be running around 200
cameras per year.


msmall    FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
