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[Rollei] Identify a TLR Case?

	I recently bought a T which came with a case which is not a T. Can
anyone identify it? It is standard dark brown leather with the rotating
catches which lock into the alligator clip style strap lugs. It has an
oval metal plate on the front, with the "F&H" logo, and the "snout"
doesn't project very far, which suggests a 3.5 to me.
	The case has an interesting notch back. The "lid" doesn't fit over the
real case panel, rather it fits into a notch inside the rear
panel. Within the case back, about where the exposure guide is located,
is a little flat pouch that looks like it might hold a ground glass. It
has a tabbed fastener. This case has a nice, glossy look to it, as if
were newer than the camera. It has no cut out for the filter factor dial
as on an "F." The frame counter window doesn't quite line up right with
the T counter. The window is circular, and a little behind the more oval
counter window of the T. It does line up with the window on my F.
	Thanks for any clue as to its proper content. I'm tempted to make a
cutout for the filter factor dial, and use it with my F, but wouldn't
want to butcher something of collectable value.
	Phil Stiles NH USA
