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Re: [Rollei] Shutter repair advice

At 12:34 AM 05/06/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I have just bought a Rolleiflex (not sure what model) to replace the one my 
>brother borrowed several years ago.  Unfortunately, it came with a damaged 
>shutter.  Shutter blades are jammed partially open, with one blade 
>noticeably twisted away from the others...
>Assuming it is possible to repair these, I would appreciate any advice as 
>to where to send it, and ideally a ballpark estimate of what it would cost 
>to fix or replace the shutter and do a general CLA.  I would like to get it 
>fixed, but that may need to be postponed depending on cost.
>The seller enclosed the bill from the last service / CLA in which is noted 
>that the shutter was 'jammed, won't go to "B"'.  It was repaired, with the 
>remark "cleaned fungus from mech."  This was from Groundglass Camera Repair 
>Service (Harrisonburg, VA) in 1989.  Not exactly encouraging! :-)
>I believe there is someone on this list keeping track of camera and lens 
>serial numbers, so here they are:
>  Camera: 1604522
>  Viewing: Heidosmat 1:2,8/80 736557
>  Taking: Zeiss Planar 1:2,8 f=80mm Nr 2266962
  The someone is Marc Smith, our distinguished list owner.

  A couple of things. First, late compur shutters have a raised tip on the
leading shutter blade. Its meant to insure the blades fold over each other
in the right way. Its turned up just a little at the tip. There is one
visible from each side of the shutter. 
  Secondly, if the shutter is jammed there may be some force on the shutter
blades tending to bow them a little. The point is that the shutter may not
be hopeless at all. 
  Probably someone who doesn't understand these shutters tried to work on
it. There are lots of little levers in the shutter and it will jam if one
is cocked a little from where it belongs. 
  If the cocking lever is jammed at its starting position it will jam the
winding mechanism. 
  If the camera is in generally good condition, particularly if the lenses
are good, it may be worth having it overhauled by someone really good. 
  I taught myself camera repair, and especially Rollei repair after a local
shop, once highly recommended, screwed up a Rolleicord IV I had. These are
not very complicated cameras. I wound up fixing it myself with the aid of a
set of jeweler's screwdrivers from the grocery store (grocery stores sell
everything now). The shop that messed it up would not admit doing so. I
should have sued them but didn't. The problem turned out to be nothing more
than dried out grease on one of the levers in the wind mechanism.
  A camera like this one is beyond me but not beyond someone like Harry
Fleenor or Marflex. I would at least e-mail them describing _exactly_ what
you have and asking their opinion. 
  IMHO it takes a lot to get a Rollei to the junk stage. They are very well
built and relatively easy to service. Don't give up just yet. 
- ----
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA
