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Re: [Rollei] German labor in the 60s

You know, what Nikon means?

Nikon means "Nippon Ikon", i.e. they copied an Ikon camera and marked it 


At 09:21 15.02.2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Interesting discussion! I agree that German attention to detail and 
>mechanical craftsmanship was superior in the 50s and 60s. As mentioned it 
>started to drop in the 70s.
>However, Japanese mechanical craftsmanship seems to have peaked during the 
>70s. True, Japan made some fine cameras in the 50s and 60s like Nikon F 
>but i find the 70s cameras superior. What spring to mind is Nikon F2, 
>Canon F1, and various Minoltas and Pentaxes. I have extensively used Nikon 
>F2s and they feel unbelievably solid! It is the same feeling of quality 
>and precision that you get from a Leica M3 or a Rolleiflex 2.8E . Why is 
>Japan "lagging" Germany in this respect?
