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[Rollei] Another new Rollei!

In addition to my new 6008, I am happy to report that I now have a 
functioning A26 - Yippie!

I got the A26 a while ago but it was not working correctly.  I just 
figured out where the battery goes, and now it seems to be OK - the 
shutter speeds change even!  Amazing what can happen when you get an 
instruction manual. My first ever roll of 126 film looks awesome - I 
really love the square format.  

So now I need to get the C26 flash to work - it won't hold a charge. 
Does anybody know if this can be 'rebuilt' reasonably? This is a $25 
camera after all, but the flash would be helpful :)

- - marc

- -- 
***     Marc Attinasi     ***
* mailto: marc   *
*  http://www.attinasi.org  *


End of Rollei Users list digest V10 #137