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Re: [Rollei] Gun-Totin' Hillbillies

At 05:29 PM 10/27/01 -0400, Bob Shell wrote:
>Yes, but unfortunately he doesn't stand a ghost of a chance of winning.

So what?  I generally vote Libertarian -- and this is the FIRST YEAR when a
Leftist rag such as the Roanoke Daily Worker, er, sorry, Times, has given
ANY mention to a Libertarian candidate.  I refuse to vote Democrat, and, if
a Democrat is unopposed on my ballot, I'll write someone in -- generally
someone unlikely of victory, such as my wife.  

Remember Professor Bernardo de la Paz's words in THE MOON IS A HARSH
MISTRESS -- any progress is good!


msmall    FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
