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Re: [Rollei] Rolleiflex MX (Automat model 4)

> I would love to use my Rollei on a tripod with a Rolleifix, but the MX
> does not have an undercut mounting thing, therefore, I can't use the
> Rolleifix.
> I have made an adaptor that is undercut to take the circular boss on the
> camera, and also to take the four "feet" on the base of the camera.  All
> in all, a very sturdy contraption since the entire base of the camera is
> supported.

How is the adpator clamped to the camera?  I assume you are using the tripod 
screw.  If so you device will be almost as good as a Rolleifix.  The main 
requirement for any rolleifix replacement is that it must not allow any flexing 
at the tripod disk.  Any device which supports a large part of the base will do 
this.  Even a large tripod head which is large enough to support all the feet 
will do this.  Ideally try to engage the two small holes at the front of the 
body like the Rolleifix as this reduces the flexing even more.  The quick 
release function of the Rolleiflex is easily replaced by a standard QR tripod 


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