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Re: [Rollei] Rolleiflex TLR Plate Adapter Back

At 10:20 AM 1998-11-01 -0600, Russ Rosener wrote:
>In fact, glass plates are available from Eastman Kodak even today, but only
>in standard 4x5 and 8x10 sizes. I understand they are used in
>astrophotography, where a dimensionally stable support is critical.
>Afterall, one milimeter could equal a hundred light years in

I thought Kodak had quit supplying 103 plates in the late 1980's when so
many observatories had shifted to CCD cameras.  The word was out in the
astronomical community at that time that the only remaining source for such
emulsions was ORWO and I understand AGFA, which now has regained control of
their original plant, has continued to supply these plates, for which a
small, but persistent, demand remains.


msmall    FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bas fir gun ghras fir!
