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Re: rollei List Digest V1 #95

In-Reply-To: <199608221855.LAA21795  >
> One would think that perhaps a Rollei TLR could be made with some newer
> reinforced plastics and such, perhaps assembled in Korea, and sold at a
> price that some of us can afford.
> John:
> To a degree your right, but if the quality was lowered through using
> plastics the durability would be affected.  Then to get quality and
> durablity one would have to purchase vintage Rollei TLR's.  if we went 
> to
> plastices it would be like buying a Rolls Body and a Vorlks frame or
> getting the real thing.  Let's not lower the quality of one of the few
> things of quality in the post-technological age.
> Bill Schillereff

A plastic bodied GX badged as a Rolleicord would make sense, though.

dmorton       | "It's a game ok?  It's not serious.
david   |  We don't know what we're doing.
(+44) 181 450 5459               |  If we really knew what we were
Flat 3, 11 Kingscroft Road,      |  doing, we'd all go batty."
Kilburn, London NW2 3QE          |               (Richard P. Feynman).
