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I've seen them for sale at used camera shows, often with pieces
missing at $25-$40.  A complete boxed rolleikin (II, I think) may
be $80.  I think that most people are less than enthusiastic
about the convenience etc.  A 35mm camera allowing vertical and
horizontal aspects, instead of just vertical, does not weigh
so much.  The best argument I've heard to have one with you is
if you run out of film, you may not be able to get 120 roll film,
but 35mm film is very common.

There are many clever gadgets for TLR rolleis, including
stereo tripod mounts, panoramic tripod mounts, rangefinder focus
devices (rolleimeter), etc.  It can be fun to see how they
are constructed, and I suppose fun to collect them.  Using them
regularly would be surprising, unless you have unusual needs.
